Kiz School Hi-Energy Games by Unit

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Kiz School Hi-Energy Fun Games for Maximum Classroom or Self-study Fun. Practice and Play.
These games are useful for listening and reading practice. Good-bye classroom boredom!

Level 1- Hi-Energy Fun Games

  1. Game -a) Aa - Nn Volley b) Oo - Zz Rally
  2. Game - Greetings: Hello - Catapult
  3. Game - Name: What's your name? - Volley
  4. Game - This, That: What's this? - Volley
  5. Game - Colors: What color is it? Catapult
  6. Game - Numbers: How many apples? Catapult
  7. Game - Age: How old are you? - Catapult
  8. Game - Fruits: What fruit do you like? Volley
  9. Game - Body: I have two eyes. Volley
  10. Game - Toys: Where is my teddy bear? Catapult

Level 2- Hi-Energy Fun Games

  1. Game - Animals: favorite animal - Volley
  2. Game - These, Those - Rally
  3. Game - Family: She is my mother. Rally
  4. Game - Actions: I can jump. Moonshot
  5. Game - School Supplies - Volley
  6. Game - Numbers 10 -100- Moonshot
  7. Game - Shapes, Colors, Sizes - Catapult
  8. Game - Food: Something to eat. Catapult
  9. Game - Weekdays & Activities Volley
  10. Game - Weather - Moonshot

Level 3- Hi-Energy Fun Games

  1. Game - Actions: What's she doing? Volley
  2. Game - Jobs: What do you want to be? Rally
  3. Game - Clothes & Colors...Catapult
  4. Game - Prepositions: Where is ...? Moonshot
  5. Game - Pets: What pet ...? Volley
  6. Game -Months & Ordinal Numbers - moonshot
  7. Game -Transportation: How do you...? Rally
  8. Game -Vegetables: How much...? Catapult
  9. Game -a) Time - Catapult b) Routines Volley
  10. Game-Weather & Clothes  - Moonshot
  11. Game -Zoo Animals Volley

Level 4- Hi-Energy Fun Games

  1. Game -Sports: I'm good golf. Rally
  2. Game -Festivals. Moonshot
  3. Game -Food Partitives: a slice of bread
  4. Game -Directions: Volley
  5. Game -Plants: How plants grow. Moonshot
  6. Game -School Subjects: Catapult
  7. Game -Good manners. Rally
  8. Game -Seasons & Activities: Volley
  9. Game - Health & Sickness:  Catapult
  10. Game - Amusement Park: Rally

Level 5- Hi-Energy Fun Games

  1. Game - Future & Jobs: Rally
  2. Game -Hobbies & Interests: Rally.
  3. Game -Describing people: Catapult
  4. Game - Plans for summer: Volley
  5. Game - Jobs: I will be an astronaut - Volley
  6. Game - Countries, Rally
  7. Game - Animal Land: We went to Animal Land- Catapult
  8. Game -Travel: Around the world - Moonshot.
  9. Game - Natural Disasters: Moonshot

Level 6- Hi-Energy Fun Games

  1. Game - Shopping: more expensive - Volley
  2. Game - Champions: Who is faster? - Rally
  3. Game - Health & Body: I am stronger. Rally
  4. Game -Manners: Catapult
  5. Game -Fire: What should we do? - Moonshot
  6. Game - Stories: Harry Potter - Volley.
  7. Game -Natural world & Comparatives:Moonshot
  8. Game - Space: The eight planets. Moonshot
  9. Game -Murder mystery:  Who killed  Mr. Handsome? - Volley